
For more information on our concert-specific COVID-19 processes, please review our COVID-19 Concert Processes.

This safety plan has been developed using the workplace safety plan builder, available at Ontario.ca/COVIDSafety. The safety plan builder has been designed to help all businesses establish best practices to help keep their workers and customers/clients safe from COVID-19 and other risks in the workplace.

Those responsible for this business/organization acknowledge that they must:

Visitor Screening and Instruction

Customers/clients are actively screened before entering the workplace:

  • Prompting visitors use the online patron screen tool and show their results before entering the building/facility:
  • Asking visitors the screening questions upon arrival

Visitors are given instructions on posters at all entrances to stay out of the workplace unless they pass the self-screening questions

Limiting Interactions

Contactless payment is encouraged whenever possible.

Physical Distancing and Separation

Supervisors will remind workers to maintain physical distancing of at least 2 metres (6 feet) between themselves and others.

Workers who must be within two metres of others will follow our rules on use of masks and personal protective equipment as described in that section.

Workers will maintain physical distancing of at least 2 metres (6 feet) at any time they are not able to wear a mask, such as for eating and drinking.

Ventilation and Air Quality

We contacted the landlord to make sure that the ventilation is working properly and is well maintained.

Crowd Control

Visitors require an appointment/reservation during peak times to minimize lines and control flow.

A worker is designated at the entrance to monitor the number of customers entering and leaving, and control/stagger customer entry to prevent crowding.

The customer/client capacity limits are posted at the public entrance(s).

Adjustments will be made to ensure we follow all local public heath requirements regarding capacity limits.

Violence and Harassment

We do not accept violence and harassment directed towards our staff. We encourage our customers to treat our staff with respect.

If any customers have complaints about our COVID-19 policies, they will be directed to talk to management.

Management will retain a record of all incidences of violence or harassment and will report to the authorities as necessary.

Communication and Training

Posters for workers and visitors have been put up around the workplace:

  • Physical distance
  • Capacity limits
  • Screening and self-assessment
  • Wearing masks
  • Hand hygiene

Information on changes to our plan or safety measures is provided to workers:

  • By email

Information on our health and safety measures will be shared with customers/clients/visitors:

  • By workers when entering the building/facility
  • On posters at entrances
  • On our website
  • Through social media

All workers have been instructed on our COVID-19 health and safety measures.

Plan Evaluation and Worker Engagement

This safety plan is reviewed monthly.

When we add new safety measures, we check that they do not create any new hazards or that measures can be put in place to control new hazards.

We are maintaining a record of actionable feedback related to this plan, and the steps taken to address any issues.

We collaborate with our workers on solutions to any health and safety issues.

Worker Screening

All workers are actively screened before starting each shift:

  • Asking workers the screening questions upon arrival at work verbally
  • Asking workers the screening questions upon arrival at work on paper

Screening is done before the worker comes to the workplace or outdoors at the workplace whenever possible.

Workers are instructed to stay home if they are sick or have any COVID-19 related symptoms.

Masking and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Workers will remind customers/clients/visitors to wear masks properly and consistently.

Posters have been put up throughout the facility to remind customers/clients/visitors to wear masks properly and consistently.

Our workers will wear masks while in the facility:

  • Cloth mask
  • Disposable non-medical mask

Workers will wear a mask at all times when indoors in the workplace, unless alone in a private space, eating or drinking, or they require an accommodation which does not allow for wearing a mask.

Workers who must be within two metres of another masked person will wear a mask for the duration of their interaction, both indoors and outdoors.

Cleaning, Disinfecting and Hand Hygiene

Reminders have been posted in washrooms to wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.

Hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol content has been provided at locations throughout the building.

Mental Health and Wellbeing

We strive to create an atmosphere in which workers are comfortable discussing the issues that prevent them from being productive at work.

Facilitating Contact Tracing

We keep track of contact information for workers to provide to the public health unit in the event of a worker or other customers contracting COVID-19.

We keep track of contact information for customers/clients and visitors to provide to the public health unit in the event of a worker or other customers contracting COVID-19.

All contact records are kept for a minimum of one month.

Reporting a Case

If a worker lets us know that they have tested positive for COVID-19 and there is a possibility it could be related to the workplace, we report the case within four days to:

  • The Thunder Bay District Health Unit