
Please read the following information carefully.

With the ever changing public health landscape, we have altered our normal ticketing and concert processes.  We have decided to keep some of the public health measures in place to keep our patrons safe while still trying to maintain our normal concert experience:

  • Livestream tickets are available.  The concert experience can be livestreamed into your homes in real-time (same format as our Virtual Concerts).
  • Masks must be worn at all times.  The mask is required to cover the nose down to the bottom of the chin.
  • Everyone must be fully vaccinated (minimum 2 doses) and have proof of vaccination.  You will need to bring a paper or electronic copy of your Enhanced Vaccination Certificate with QR code.  If you’re unsure how to do this, please check the COVID-19 vaccination booking webpage, go to/call Service Ontario, or ask some friends/family for assistance.
  • No concert intermissions, food or drink, or pre-concert talks.  We have adjusted our programming so you will enjoy 60 to 75 minutes of music.  There will be some history of the pieces or other musical insight shared during the concert, but there will be no official pre-concert talks.
  • Contact tracing will be performed.  We will collect basic personal information only to be used for contact tracing.

For additional information on our safety protocols, please review our COVID-19 Safety Plan.

Check-in Process

We want to make the check-in process simple and fast to make sure people aren’t spending too much time outdoors.  No proof of payment is required for any purchased tickets or season passes.  Please bring the following documents:

  • Photo ID
  • Enhanced Vaccination Certificate with QR code
  • Student ID (if purchasing student tickets)

When you arrive to the venue, you will go through the following process:

  1. Please make sure you’re wearing your mask
  2. Enter either of the two Waverly Street entrances and proceed to a check-in station
  3. Complete the COVID-19 screening questions
  4. Give your name, present your ID, and proof of vaccination
  5. If you are paying for a ticket at the door, pay for the ticket (exact amount required, no change will be available)
  6. Move through to the sanctuary to your seat (please take your jacket with you to your seat)

To ease congestion, we will open the doors to the public at 7:15 PM (45 minutes before the concert starts).

We will have a donation table setup if you wish to make a donation by cheque or cash (exact change only). 

Venue Restrictions/Considerations

Unfortunately, there are no accessible bathrooms at Trinity United Church and bathroom access is down at least two flight of stairs.  There will be a ramp for wheelchair access into the Church from Waverly Street.